Spritzer Tinge Social Media Marketing
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Spritzer So Tinge is the carbonated fruit flavoured drink (fruity soda) that is more flavourful to unlock exciting moments. Because target audience is young adult (aged between 16-25) and they were more active in Instagram.

our role

  • Social Media Marketing

the challange

  • Low brand awareness.

the objective:

  • To enhance brand awareness to audience.
  • To introduce new product to audience.
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Share a drink, spread positive vibes, and double the happiness!
So tinge!
So tinge!

Our Approach:

Approach to Creativity

We created a unique creative approach to showcase the product USP and educate consumer about its features and benefits.

Social Media Campaign Content

Our goal is to generate product awareness and introduce the new products to the market with developing a unique set of creative assets that effectively.

the result:

Increase in Page Like


Increase in Interaction

Create a seamless marketing campaign with us
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