
Our collaboration with KOSÉ on the "Save The Blue" campaign was all about spreading the word on coral protection and getting beauty lovers involved in environmental action. Our goal with "Save The Blue" was to show KOSÉs commitment to protecting coral reefs, those vital homes for marine life. Our strategy? Create engaging online experiences that really hit home and also manage to lead people to visit their road truck.

KOSE Spend, Donate & Win
our role
  • Data Analysis and Insights
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Copywriting
  • Graphic Design, Animation and Videography
  • Digital Advertising

The Challenge

Making coral protection cool and understandable was a challenge, but we nailed it by keeping things simple, using eye-catching designs, and throwing in contests to keep everyone interested and learning.

Our Approach

We put together a fun digital marketing plan to grab the audience's attention, spread awareness about KOSÉ's brand and products, and get people excited about the road truck.

Interactive Microsite

We created an interactive microsite focused on ocean conservation. Visitors could share campaign videos, with each share prompting KOSÉ to plant a coral in Okinawa, and participants had a chance to win Sekkisei lotion.

KOSE Dive Into The Blue
KOSE Save The Blue Project


We also ran a contest where purchasing KOSÉ Sekkisei Disney products online entered you to win a trip to Tokyo Disneyland, boosting sales and highlighting KOSÉ's sustainability efforts.

User Experience

The microsite's design reflected ocean depths, transitioning from light blues to deep greens as you scrolled, immersing users in the campaign experience.

Tailored Content Strategy

We didn't just stop at the microsite, we took the "Save The Blue" campaign to social media! With fun, eye-catching ads, we targeted the right audiences. Our ads were all about KOSÉ's awesome coral-saving efforts, cool road truck events and we made it super easy for people to get involved. By sharing cool visuals and compelling messages, we got everyone talking and spreading the word.

KOSE x Reef Check Malaysia
KOSE Save the Blue Products
KOSE Save The Blue

The Results


achieved VS Target


Clicks achieved
VS Target


Website Visits
achieved VS Target


The 'Save The Blue' campaign was a huge success, raising awareness for coral protection and encouraging people to visit their road truck. With our interactive microsite, exciting contests, and vibrant social media presence, we brought KOSÉ's mission to life and made a real splash!

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