
Is Libresse’s V-Kebaya Packaging A "Dishonour To Women"?

Is Libresse’s V-Kebaya Packaging A "Dishonour To Women"?

Let’s get down to the V-Zone. Have you ever tiptoed around “sensitive” but scientifically correct terms such as vulva, vagina, and clitoris? Instead, you refer to the nether region using “less vulgar” code names like “bushy bits”, “lady garden”, or the more common nickname in Malaysia, “pepek”. Well, you’re definitely not alone in this.  

Which is why Libresse Malaysia, a brand producing female hygiene products and sanitary pads, channels their efforts towards educating the public about the V-Zone as well as empowering girls and women to embrace their body. Their social media accounts are dedicated to discussing the taboo topic in an open manner with an open mind, and creating respectful conversations surrounding sexual health. 

While people have been interacting with their postings, it was Libresse’s limited edition vulva flowers packaging that got the public talking. 

Here’s what happened:

Timeline of Libresse's V-Kebaya Packaging controversy

Consequently, this controversy sparked support and discussions in the comments from followers as well as the general public. But to find out how had the backlash on the V-Kebaya Limited Edition packaging impacted Libresse Malaysia in terms of interactions and exposure, we used Adqlo, our social media intelligence platform, to look into the 2 most relevant hashtags on Instagram:

  • #LibresseMY 
  • #KnowYourV

Graph depicting usage of the hashtags #LibresseMY and #KnowYourV

Analysis of Instagram posts using the hashtags #LibresseMY and #KnowYourV

Before 16th September, the hashtags #KnowYourV and #LibresseMY were used for promotional purposes, such as paid KOL posts and product posts. Whereas after the backlash, the hashtags were utilised by the public in organic posts. Their reaction to the controversy included artworks, poetry, and photos with opinion quotes. 

The backlash from MAYA was an unintentional publicity and increased exposure for Libresse Malaysia and their “Know Your V” Campaign. But more than that, the numbers showed that Malaysians were aware of the social stigma surrounding sexual education and willing to address the “sensitive” topics, even if it started on social media platforms. 


Social media is the place to be

There is always a lot happening on social media all the time, not just viral dances and trending challenges. It’s the place to be for any brand who wants to grow and reach new audiences. So if you’re looking to create a strong content strategy or strengthen your digital marketing, engage with us and we’ll see how we can help you!

Senior Creative Designer: E Wan Kei
Digital Content Strategist: Tham Ying Hui